
At the core of my practice is the desire to communicate complicated, subjective truths that seem impossible to put into words. I explore embodied experiences beyond the individual and beyond ‘life’ as we currently understand it, stretching the boundaries of perception. With a language that is inquisitive rather than assertive, I leave space in my work for the personal to become impersonal. I use a range of found and organic materials in installations, as well as written word, drawing, and printing techniques to create immersive works that invite childlike playfulness and deep contemplation equally. 

Informed by a vital materialist philosophy, which finds liveliness emergent from everything, not just living creatures, I have become fascinated by decomposition. Decomposition is a continuous process of becoming, of which death is a recurring element, but this process is the very nature of life. My recent work uses the ambiguity of natural forms and patterns to investigate the incomprehensible and to invoke curiosity about intricate natural entanglements. Through my art practice I consider the healing potential of practising decomposition.